Shipping overseas
We offer deliveries via DPD and GLS, depending on your delivery location. Just simply enter your full delivery address when checking out.Any other country or region outside the Europe is subject to pay taxes & duties set by their country upon delivery.
How long does it takes to get my order?
It depends on where you are.For orders placed In Bulgaria will take 1-3 business days to arrive.
For overseas deliveries might take from 7-14 days to arrive.All the details will be provided In your shipping email.

Can I change my delivery address after my package is shipped?

You are not able to change your shipping address once your purchase is shipped.So please be carefully when you're placing order and check your delivery address.

Can I return my product?

Orders made In Bulgaria have the chance to try the product at the courier's office before paying it with Cash on Delivery , when you paid it with card you have this oportunity too! But If you already received them you're NOT able to return the product! For orders overseas we do NOT offer returns and refunds!

How do I know my exact shoe size ? 
Just go to Sizing Chart

Please note that all yeezy's run small so we recommend you to get one size larger than your usual size.